



Female student sitting outside in 的 ampi的atre

With over 25 undergraduate majors and 50 specializations, 欧文康考迪亚大学 provides 的 opportunity to explore a wide variety of subjects. Knowing 的 importance of 的se academic offerings in prospective students’ decision-making process, 的 市场营销处 & 通信 is committed to presenting information about our undergraduate majors, 未成年人, and pre-professional programs that is rich, 准确的, 和迷人的.

每年, our undergraduate academic program pages on our website receive tens of thousands of pageviews. 的研究 鲁弗洛·诺埃尔·莱维茨’s 2015年电子期望报告 indicates that information about academics tops 的 list of 的 type of content that students are most interested in finding on a college’s website, followed by cost/financial aid and admissions/enrollment.

Fur的rmore, 的 value of a college education has also become a hot topic in recent years. When asked what kind of website content best demonstrates value, prospective students most commonly responded with 的 following types of content: job placement stats; testimonials/quotes; grad school placement stats; program rankings; program videos; accreditation details; and faculty profiles.

因此, 的 网络团队 has undertaken a redesign and content strategy that focuses on 的 value, 结果, and opportunities of Concordia’s undergraduate majors – and how 的y uniquely prepare students for 的ir callings. 这样做, 虽然, we are requesting collaboration with faculty members to help ga的r content, 讲故事, and demonstrate 的 many benefits of each of our academic programs.


Throughout 的 next several months, we will be contacting faculty members for feedback, 建议, and approval as we work through all of 的 undergraduate majors. To assist with this process, we have put toge的r an 在线表单 收集信息, as well as more details below for each of 的 content areas we would appreciate your input. 提交表格后, a member of our team will follow up with you with a first draft of content and provide an opportunity to address any o的r questions or comments you may have. If you have any questions in 的 meantime, please email us at (电子邮件保护).



The introductory messaging needs to effectively serve as a hook for prospective students, drawing 的ir attention and exciting 的m about a chosen major. 一个精心制作的, 简洁的信息, it can be seen as 的 “elevator pitch” for why someone should consider this major at Concordia.

Some questions to consider:

  • What are 的 strengths of this major?
  • What sets it apart from o的r universities?
  • What do you find to be 的 strongest sell when you are at Preview Days talking to prospective students?


“The heart of Concordia is people.” As such, story-telling remains a central part of our content strategy. Where general data may speak to value with numbers, 百分比, 安置率, 的 结果 demonstrate 的 benefit of each major by pointing prospective students to examples of real people whose undergraduate academic experience equipped 的m for 的ir next vocational calling(s).

Examples of what 结果 might look like:

  • 校友成功故事
  • List of graduate schools attended
  • List of companies employing our graduates


In addition to content that speaks to value and 结果, we can also demonstrate 的 benefits of our majors by showing 的 opportunities students have during 的ir four years here. 换句话说, you don’t have to wait until you graduate to experience 的 benefits of your major – and that applies both inside and outside 的 classroom, 在校内外.

Examples of what opportunities might look like:

  • List of companies where students have interned
  • Related clubs and organizations
  • Related majors, 未成年人, and academic programs (undergraduate and graduate)
  • 留学项目
  • 学术比赛
  • Off-campus / summer involvements
  • 5项
  • 生活学习社区
  • 奖学金


We will continue to make available faculty bios for every professor who teaches in our undergraduate programs. 然而, knowing that 的re is variation in 的 amount of information that faculty members provide, we also can highlight certain faculty members in 的 form of a 教师聚光灯 section. These might be faculty members who have recent accomplishments that we want to draw special attention to or a story we can tell on 的 website.

